
Barrett, K. L. and G. E. Belovsky. In press. Invertebrates and phytoplankton: is salinity the driving factor? In B. Baxter & J. Butler (Eds.), Great Salt Lake: Biology of a Terminal Lake in the Age of Change, Springer.

Johnson, W. P.,  W. Wurtsbaugh, G. E. Belovsky, B. K. Baxter, F. Black, C. Angeroth, P. Jewell, and S. Yang. In press. Geochemistry of Great Lake. In P. Maurice [ed.] Wiley Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society, John Wiley & Sons.

Belovsky, G.E., Slade, J.B. 2019. Biotic versus abiotic control of primary production identified in a common garden experiment. Scientific Reports 9, 11961, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48512-7

Belovsky, G.E., W.C. Perschon, C. Larson, C. Mellison, J.B. Slade, H. Mahon, H. Appiah-Madson, P. Birdsey, J. Luft, R. Mosley, J. Neill, K. Stone, A. Kijowski, J. Van Leeuwen. 2019. Overwinter survival of crustacean diapausing cysts: brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) in Great Salt Lake, Utah. Limnology and Oceanography. First published: 30 May 2019.

Prather, C.M., G.E. Belovsky. 2019. Herbivore and detritivore effects on rainforest plant production are altered by disturbance. Ecology and Evolution. First published: 04 June 2019. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5316.

Belovsky, G.E. and W.C. Perschon.  2019. A management case study for a new fishery: brine shrimp harvesting in Great Salt Lake. Ecological Applications. First published: 05 March 2019.

Prather, CM, GE Belovsky, S Cantrell, G Gonzalez. 2018. Tropical herbivores, but not detritivores, alter decomposition rates by modifying litter bacterial communities. Ecology: 99, 782-791.

Volenec, Z. M., Belovsky, G. E. 2018. The interaction of temperature and precipitation determines productivity and diversity in a bunchgrass prairie ecosystem. Oecologia, 188(3): 913-920.

Belovsky, G. E., and J. B. Slade. 2018. Grasshoppers affect grassland ecosystem functioning: Spatial and temporal variation. Basic and Applied Ecology 26:24-34.

David G. Flagel, Gary E. Belovsky, Michael J. Cramer, Dean E. Beyer, Jr. & Katie E. Robertson. 2017. Fear and loathing in a Great Lakes forest: cascading effects of competition between wolves and coyotes. Journal of Mammalogy 98(1):77-84. DOI:

Kistner, E. J., and G. E. Belovsky. 2017. Abiotic effects on the clear-winged grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acridae) and its fungal pathogen Entomophaga grylli (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) in an intermountain bunch-grass prairie. The Canadian Entomologist   149(3): 315-325. DOI: 10.4039/tce.2016.66

Sura, S.A. and G.E. Belovsky. 2016. Impacts of harvesting on brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) in Great Salt Lake, UT. Ecological Applications 26(2): 407-414. DOI: 10.1890/15-0776.

Flagel, D.G., G.E. Belovsky, and W.E. West. 2016. Digging further into wolf-deer interactions: Food web effects on soil nitrogen availability in a Great Lakes forest. American Midland Naturalist 176(1):147-151

Flagel, D.G., G.E. Belovsky, and D.E. Beyer, Jr. 2016. Natural and experimental tests of trophic cascades: gray wolves and white-tailed deer in a Great Lakes forest. Oecologia 180(4):1183-1194

Kistner, E.J., M. Saums, and G.E. Belovsky. 2015. Mechanical vectors enhance fungal entomopathogen reduction of the grasshopper pest Camnula pellucida (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Environmental Entomology 1-9: DOI:10.1093/ee/nvu004.

Perschon, C., G.E. Belovsky, D. Naftz, R. Baskin, J. Luft, C.A. Larson, C. Mellison, H. Mahon, J. Van Leeuwen, P. Birdsey, D. Paul, and R. Mosley. 2014. The Great Salt Lake Ecosystem (Utah, USA): long term data and a structural equation approach: Reply. Ecosphere 5:art37.

Kistner, E.J. and G.E. Belovsky. 2014. Host dynamics determine responses to disease: additive vs. compensatory mortality in a grasshopper-pathogen system. Ecology 95(9):2579-2588.

Gage, S.H., G.E. Belovsky, E.P. Kasten, and M.J. Cramer. 2014. Visualization and analysis of the soundscape in important natural habitats in the Upper Great Lakes. 2014 Annual Symposium, Cumulative Impacts and Landscapes Initiatives: A Sustainability Check During Climate Change. US-IALE (International Association of Landscape Ecology), Anchorage, Alaska, Volume: Soundscape Theory and Applications, May 18-22.

Kistner, E.J. and G.E. Belovsky. 2013. Susceptibility to disease across developmental stages: examining the effects of an entomopathogen on a grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) pest. Journal of Orthoptera Research 22(2):73-77.

Larson, C.A. and G.E. Belovsky. 2013. Salinity and nutrients influence species richness and evenness of phytoplankton communities in microcosm experiments from Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Journal of Plankton Research 35(5):1154-1166.

Crowl, T.A., N. Brokaw, R.B. Waide, G. Gonzalez, K. Beard, E. Greathouse, A.E. Lugo, A.P. Covich, D.J. Lodge, C. Pringle, J. Thompson, and G.E. Belovsky. 2012. When and where biota matter: Linking disturbance regimes, species characteristics and dynamics of communities and ecosystems. 44 pages. In: N. Brokaw, T. Crowl, A. Lugo, W. McDowell, F. Scatena, R. Waide, and M. Willig (eds.), A Caribbean Forest Tapestry: The Multidimensional Nature of Disturbance and Response. Oxford University Press.

Belovsky, G.E., D. Stephens, C. Perschon, P. Birdsey, D. Paul, D. Naftz, R. Baskin, C. Larson, C. Mellison, J. Luft, R. Mosley, H. Mahon, J. Van Leeuwen, and D.V. Allen. 2011. The Great Salt Lake Ecosystem (Utah, USA): long term data and a structural equation approach. Ecosphere 2(3):art33. doi:10.1890/ES10-00091.1.

Belovsky, G.E., D. Stephens, C. Perschon, P. Birdsey, D. Paul, D. Naftz, R. Baskin, C. Larson, C. Mellison, J. Luft, R. Mosley, H. Mahon, J. Van Leeuwen, and D.V. Allen. 2011. The Great Salt Lake Ecosystem (Utah, USA): long term data and a structural equation approach. Ecosphere 2:art33. Supplement: Monthly data for the 13 years of our study is summarized in the Results section of the main text. Ecological Archives C002-005-S1.

Belovsky, G.E., A.N. Laws, and J.B. Slade. 2011. Prey change behaviour with predation threat, but demographic effects vary with prey density: experiments with grasshoppers and birds. Ecology Letters 14(4):335-440.

Belovsky, G.E. and J.B. Slade. 2010. Observations on non-additive predation: birds and grasshoppers. Evolutionary Ecology Research12: online as 2010.IX.23

Laws, A.N. and G.E. Belovsky. 2010. How will species respond to climate change? Examining the effects of temperature and population density on an herbivorous insect. Environmental Entomology 39(2):312-319.

Belovsky, G.E. 2009. “An optimal foraging-based model of hunter-gatherer population dynamics.” Pp. 85-103. In: J.M. Broughton and M.C. Cannon (eds.), Evolutionary Ecology and Archaeology: Applications to Problems in Human Evolution and Prehistory. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, UT.

Crowl, T.A., T.O. Crist, R.R. Parmenter, G.E. Belovsky, and A.E. Lugo. 2008. The spread of invasive species and infectious disease as drivers of ecosystem change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6(5):238-246.

Belovsky, G.E. 2006. "Judeo-Christian perceptions of nature and its variability: a foundation for environmental awareness?” Pp. 148-175. In: David M. Lodge and Christopher Hamlin (eds.), Religion and the New Ecology. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN. 325pp.

Belovsky, G.E. 2005. Origins. The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, IN, October 2, 2005.

Belovsky, G.E. 2005. Darwinism and Catholicism should be compatible. Lumen Magazine, University of Notre Dame, August 16, 2005.

Belovsky, G.E., D.B. Botkin, T.A. Crowl, K.W. Cummins, J.F. Franklin, M.L. Hunter, Jr., A. Joern, D.B. Lindenmayer, J.A. MacMahon, C.R. Margules, and J.M. Scott. 2004. Ten suggestions to strengthen the science of ecology. BioScience 54(4):345-351.

Belovsky, G.E. and J.B. Slade. 2002. An ecosystem perspective on grasshopper control: possible advantages to no treatment. Journal of Orthoptera Research 11:29-35.

Belovsky, G.E., Mellison, C., Larson, C., and Van Zandt, P.A. 2002. “How good are PVA models? Testing their predictions with experimental data on the brine shrimp.” Pp. 257-283. In: S. R. Beissinger and D. R. McCullough (eds.), Population Viability Analysis. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

Belovsky, G.E. 2002. Ecological stability: Reality, misconceptions and implications for risk assessment. Health and Ecological Risk Assessment 8:99-108.

Bowyer, R.T., D.R. McCullough, and G.E. Belovsky. 2001. Causes and consequences of sociality in mule deer. Alces 37(2):371-402.

Belovsky, G.E. and C. Larson. 2001. Brine shrimp population dynamics and sustainable harvesting in the Great Salt Lake, Utah: 2001 Progress Report to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City, Utah. 16 pp.

Belovsky, G.E. and J.B. Slade. 2000. Insect herbivory accelerates nutrient cycling and increases plant production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97(26):14412-14417.

Belovsky, G.E. 2000. Book Review: “Foraging for Survival: Yearling Baboons in Africa” by Stuart Altmann (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 690 pp.). Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 43(4):614-616.

Belovsky, G.E. 2000. “Do grasshoppers diminish grassland productivity? A new perspective for control based on conservation.” Pp. 7-29. In: J. A. Lockwood, A. V. Latchininsky and M. G. Sergeev (eds.), Grasshoppers and Grassland Health: Managing Grasshopper Outbreaks without Risking Environmental Disaster. NATO Science Series 2. Environmental Security – Vol. 73, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.

Belovsky, G.E. 1996-2000. “Grasshopper population regulation.” In: Grasshopper Integrated Pest Management User Handbook (Gary L. Cunningham and Mike W. Sampson, tech. cords.). Technical Bulletin 1809. Washington, DC: USDA, APHIS: VII.14-1 to VII.14-8.

Belovsky, G.E., M.A. Brusven, D.J. Fielding, and L. Manske. 1996-2000. “Grasshopper habitat manipulation.” In: Grasshopper Integrated Pest Management User Handbook (Gary L. Cunningham and Mike W. Sampson, tech. cords.). Technical Bulletin 1809. Washington, DC: USDA, APHIS: VII.15-1 to VII.15-5.

Belovsky, G.E., A. Joern, and J. Lockwood. 1996-2000. “Grasshoppers -- plus and minus; the grasshopper problem on a regional basis, and a look at beneficial effects of grasshoppers.” In: Grasshopper Integrated Pest Management User Handbook (Gary L. Cunningham and Mike W. Sampson, tech. cords.). Tech. Bull. 1809. Washington, DC: USDA, APHIS: VII.16-1 to VII.16-5.

Belovsky, G.E., Fryxell, J., and Schmitz, O. J. 1999. “Natural selection and herbivore nutrition: optimal foraging theory and what it tells us about the structure of ecological communities.” Pp. 1-70. In: H.-J. G. Jung and G. C. Fahey, Jr. (eds.), Nutritional Ecology of Herbivores: Proceedings of the Vth International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. American Society of Animal Science, Savoy, IL. 836 pp.

Belovsky, G.E., C. Mellison, C. Larson, and P.A. Van Zandt. 1999. Experimental studies of extinction dynamics. Science 286:1175-1177.

Belovsky, G. E., S. Kilham, C. Larson, and C. Mellison. 1999. Brine Shrimp Population Dynamics and Sustainable Harvesting in the Great Salt Lake, Utah. 1999 Progress Report to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City, Utah. 25pp.

Belovsky, G.E., and C. Mellison. 1998. Brine Shrimp Population Dynamics and Sustainable Harvesting in the Great Salt Lake. 1998 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City. 18pp.

Belovsky, G.E., and C. Mellison. 1997. Brine Shrimp Population Dynamics and Sustainable Harvesting in the Great Salt Lake. 1997 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City. 25pp.

Belovsky, G.E. 1997. Optimal foraging and community structure: the allometry of herbivore food selection and competition. Evolutionary Ecology 11:641-672.

Belovsky, G.E. 1996. Brine Shrimp of the Great Salt Lake. Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City. 50pp.

Belovsky, G.E., J.B. Slade, and J.M. Chase. 1996. Mating strategies based on foraging ability: an experiment with grasshoppers. Behavioral Ecology 7:438-444.

Joern, A., W.P. Kemp, G.E. Belovsky, and K. O'Neill. 1996-1999. “Grasshoppers and vegetation communities.” In: Grasshopper Integrated Pest Management User Handbook (Gary L. Cunningham and Mike W. Sampson, tech. cords.). Technical Bulletin 1809. Washington, DC: USDA, APHIS: IV.3-1 to IV.3-10.

Belovsky, G.E., J.A. Lockwood, and K. Winks. 1996-1999. “Recognizing and managing potential outbreak conditions.” In: Grasshopper Integrated Pest Management User Handbook (Gary L. Cunningham and Mike W. Sampson, tech. cords.). Technical Bulletin 1809. Washington, DC: USDA, APHIS: IV.8-1 to IV.8-4.

Belovsky, G.E., D. Branson, J. Chase, J. Barker, and G. Hammond. 1996-1999. “Mites and nematode parasites of grasshoppers.” In: Grasshopper Integrated Pest Management User Handbook (Gary L. Cunningham and Mike W. Sampson, tech. cords.). Technical Bulletin 1809. Washington, DC: USDA, APHIS: I.9-1 to I.9-3.

Belovsky, G.E. 1995. Belovsky responds: (Issues on small populations). Wildlife Society Bulletin 23(1):4.

Belovsky, G.E. and J.B. Slade. 1995. Dynamics of two Montana grasshopper populations: relationships among weather, food abundance and intraspecific competition. Oecologia 101:383-396.

Belovsky, G.E. and A. Joern. 1995. “The dominance of different regulating factors for rangeland grasshoppers.” Pages 359-386. In: N. Cappuccino and P. Price (eds.) Population Dynamics: New Approaches and Synthesis. Academic Press, New York.

Chase, J.M. and G.E. Belovsky. 1994. Experimental evidence for the included niche. The American Naturalist 143:514-527.

Belovsky, G.E., J.A. Bissonette, R.D. Dueser, T.C. Edwards, Jr., C.M. Luecke, M.E. Ritchie, J.B. Slade, and F.H. Wagner. 1994. Management of small populations: concepts affecting the recovery of endangered species. Wildlife Society Bulletin 22(2):307-316.

Belovsky, G.E. and O.J. Schmitz. 1994. Plant defenses and optimal foraging by mammalian herbivores. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 75(4):816-832.

Belovsky, G.E. 1994. Book review: The Asian Elephant: Ecology and Management by R. Sukumar (Cambridge University Press, 1992). Animal Behaviour 48(2):492-493.

Belovsky, G.E. 1994. How good must models and data be in ecology? Oecologia 100:475-480.

Berry, J.S., G.E. Belovsky, A. Joern, W.P. Kemp, and J. Onsager. 1993. Object-oriented simulation model of rangeland grasshopper population dynamics. Fourth Conference on AI Simulation and Planning in High-Autonomy Systems. Tucson, Arizona, 20-22 September 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington. 7pp.

Belovsky, G.E., and O.J. Schmitz. 1993. Owen-Smith's evaluation of herbivore foraging models: what is constraining? Evolutionary Ecology 7:525-529.

Belovsky, G.E. 1993. How much wilderness? Science 261:1663.

Belovsky, G.E. 1993. “Modelling avian foraging: implications for assessing the ecological effects of pesticides.” Pp. 123-137. In: Kendall, R.J., and T.E. Lacher, Jr. (eds.), Wildlife Toxicology and Population Modeling: Integrated Studies of Agroecosystems. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton.

Belovsky, G.E. and J.B. Slade. 1993. The role of vertebrate and invertebrate predators in a grasshopper community. Oikos 68:193-201.

Belovsky, G.E. 1993. Grasshopper control: implications of investigations into population/community ecology. USDA-APHIS-PPQ Grasshopper IPM Project Annual Report - FY-1993. pp. 57-65.

Belovsky, G.E. 1992. Grasshopper control: implications of investigations into population/community ecology. USDA-APHIS-PPQ Grasshopper IPM Project Annual Report - FY-1992. pp. 57-63.

Onsager, J.A., J.S. Berry, W.P. Kemp, G.E. Belovsky, and A. Joern. 1992. Object-oriented simulation model of rangeland grasshopper population dynamics. USDA-APHIS-PPQ Grasshopper IPM Project Annual Report - FY-1992. pp. 45-48.

Belovsky, G.E., and O.J. Schmitz. 1991. “Mammalian herbivore optimal foraging and the role of plant defenses.” In: Palo, R.T., and C.T. Robbins (eds.), Plant Defenses Against Mammalian Herbivores. CRC Publishing, Boca Raton. pp. 1-28.

Belovsky, G.E., O.J. Schmitz, J.B. Slade, and T.J. Dawson. 1991. Effects of spines and thorns on Australian arid zone herbivores of different body masses. Oecologia (Berlin) 88:521-528.

Belovsky, G.E. 1991. Insights for caribou/reindeer management using optimal foraging theory. Rangifer, Special Issue No. 7: 7-23. 

Belovsky, G.E. 1991. Alternate population dynamics for grasshoppers: implications for pest control. USDA-APHIS-PPQ Grasshopper IPM Project Annual Report - FY-1991. pp. 53-65.

Belovsky, G.E., J.B. Slade, and B.A. Stockhoff. 1990. Susceptibility to predation for different grasshoppers: an experimental study. Ecology 71:624-634.

Belovsky, G.E. 1990. “How important are nutrient constraints in optimal foraging models or are spatial/temporal factors more important? “ In: Hughes, R.N. (ed.), Behavioral Mechanisms of Food Selection. NATO ASI Series, Vol. G 20. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 255-278.

Belovsky, G.E. 1990. “A reply to Hobbs.” In: Hughes, R.N. (ed.), Behavioral Mechanisms of Food Selection. NATO ASI Series, Vol. G 20. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 415-422.

Belovsky, G.E. and J.B. Slade. 1990. New Montanan decticid, a glacial relict. Metaleptea 12(2):3.

Ritchie, M.E. and G.E. Belovsky. 1990. Sociality of Columbian ground squirrels in relation to their seasonal energy intake. Oecologia (Berlin) 83:495-503.

Belovsky, G.E. 1990. Grasshopper competition and predation: biological control options. USDA-APHIS-PPQ Grasshopper IPM Project Annual Report - FY-1990. pp. 37-44.

Belovsky, G.E., M.E. Ritchie, and J. Moorehead. 1989. Foraging in complex environments: when prey availability varies over time and space. Theoretical Population Biology 36:144-160.

Belovsky, G.E. 1989. Grasshopper competition. USDA-APHIS-PPQ Grasshopper IPM Project Annual Report - FY-1989. pp. 45-50.

Belovsky, G.E. 1988. An optimal foraging-based model of hunter-gatherer population dynamics. Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology 7(4):329-372.

Belovsky, G.E. 1987. “Extinction models and mammalian persistence.” In: Soule, M. (ed.), Viable Population for Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Chapter 3, pp. 35-57.

Belovsky, G.E. 1987. Hunter-gatherer foraging: a linear programming model. Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology 6:29-76.

Belovsky, G.E. 1987. Foraging and optimal body size: an overview, new data and a test of alternative models. Journal of Theoretical Biology 129:275-287.

Belovsky, G.E. 1987. “An optimal foraging model for wild herbivores.” In: Rose, M. (ed.), Herbivore Nutrition Research: Second International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. Occasional Publication of the Australian Society of Animal Production. pp. 227-228.

Belovsky, G.E. and J.B. Slade. 1987. “The role of plant distributions on herbivore diet choice: a comparison of wild and domestic herbivores.” In: Rose, M. (ed.), Herbivore Nutrition Research: Second International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. Occasional Publication of the Australian Society of Animal Production. pp. 87-88.

Belovsky, G.E. 1986. “Sharing the spoils: how different sizes of herbivores live in a grassland.” In: Moore, P.D. (ed.), Collins Encyclopedia of Animal Ecology. Collins, London. pp. 78-79.

Belovsky, G.E. 1986. Optimal foraging and community structure: implications for a guild of generalist grassland herbivores. Oecologia (Berlin) 70:35-52.

Belovsky, G.E. and J.B. Slade. 1986. Time budgets of grassland herbivores: body size similarities. Oecologia (Berlin) 70:53-62.

Belovsky, G.E. 1986. Generalist herbivore foraging and its role in competitive interactions. American Zoologist 26:51-69.

Belovsky, G.E. 1984. Moose and snowshoe hare competition and a mechanistic explanation from foraging theory. Oecologia (Berlin) 61:150-159.

Belovsky, G.E. 1984. Herbivore optimal foraging: a comparative test of three models. The American Naturalist 124(1):97-115.

Belovsky, G.E. 1984. Summer diet optimization by beaver. The American Midland Naturalist 111(2):209-222.

Belovsky, G.E. 1984. Snowshoe hare optimal foraging and its implications for population dynamics. Theoretical Population Biology 25(3):235-264.

Belovsky, G.E. 1984. “Moose foraging: how a moose chooses food.” In: MacDonald, D.W. (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Mammals. Facts on File Publications, New York. pp. 532-533.

Belovsky, G.E. 1984. “Moose.” In: MacDonald, D.W. (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Mammals. Facts on File Publications, New York. pp. 520, 529.

Belovsky, G.E. and P.A. Jordan. 1981. Sodium dynamics and adaptations of a moose population. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 62(3):613-621.

Belovsky, G.E. 1981. A possible population response of moose to sodium availability. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 62(3):631-633.

Belovsky, G.E. 1981. Optimal activity times and habitat choice of moose. Oecologia (Berlin) 48:22-30.

Belovsky, G.E. 1981. Food plant selection by a generalist herbivore: the moose. Ecology 62(4):1020-1030.

Belovsky, G.E. and P.A. Jordan. 1978. The time-energy budget of a moose. Theoretical Population Biology 14(1):76-104.

Belovsky, G.E. 1978. Diet optimization in a generalist herbivore: the moose. Theoretical Population Biology 14(1):105-134.

Belovsky, G.E., P.A. Jordan, and D.B. Botkin. 1973. Summer browsing by moose in relation to preference, and animal density: a new quantitative approach. 9th North American Moose Conference, Quebec, Canada. pp. 101-122.

Jordan, P.A., D.B. Botkin, A.S. Dominski, H.S. Lowendorf, and G.E. Belovsky. 1973. Sodium as a critical nutrient for the moose of Isle Royale. 9th North American Moose Conference, Quebec, Canada. pp. 13-42.